When you are beginners in react native.there are 5 common issues you are facing when you start building development and coding in react native

App Registry Error in React Native:When Create a code or application and run it .You could face this issue. The reasons in core process just correcting the name in your app.json file.
Development Server Error in React Native:Sometimes you facing error Development server “could not connect to the development server error” this issue raises with your metro bundler, you need to restart it overcome with this issue close your previous metro bundler and navigate to your project directory, then hit command npm-start again in another tab react-native run-ios for ios devices and react-native run-android for running your application. you will be definitely to overcome this issue.
Library error In React native:When you are dealing with firebase issues you will get some issues like “Firebasecore.h not found or Firebase not found “ To overcome this issues you need to re-install and re-link manually instead of linking automatically.
Undefined is not an object in React Native:In React native many developers have to face this issues “Undefined is not an object ” This is because your adequately are not properly defined or declared correctly
The module is not found an error:Many times developers create javascript(.js) files in a hurry. Developers forget to give correct path so do,t be baffled provide the right path for files to overcome these issues.